The concept for this video emerged from the realization that we are often preoccupied with whether we meet the expectations imposed by others. As a result, our short animation centers on the fear of not fully utilizing the time we have in our lives. Through this audiovisual work, we aim to highlight what we perceive as a lack of human awareness, where individuals waste time on trivial matters. We intentionally leave the ending open to allow viewers to draw their own conclusions and interpretations of the story.

Initially, our script was heavily metaphorical, but we revised it to adopt a more Aristotelian approach, which enabled us to conclude the story with an open ending for public interpretation.

This music video is a collaboration with the Costa Rican band “Garrobo Marsupial”, featuring their song "DIOMOTE (The Fish)" as the soundtrack for our short film. Although the visuals and animation do not directly relate to the lyrics of the song, we incorporated the song to enhance the abstract experience we aim to convey. Additionally, this project represents a "mash-up" of two graduation projects: Garrobo Marsupial’s song, a graduation project from a prestigious U.S. university, and the animation created by three students from the Universidad Veritas’s digital animation program, also as part of our graduation project. The collaboration was conducted with the band's permission to create visuals for their song.


Background Design

Character Design