Aint Afraid - Let's Renew [Official Music Video]

Video script Written by: Ain´t Afraid / Bryan Monterrosa
Produced by: We Could Be Music (

Executive Producer: Mia Paz

Producer: Fernando Fonseca-Espinoza
Directed by: Bryan Monterrosa

Character Design: Ain’t Afraid / Bryan Monterrosa

Background Art: Andres Arias ( / Reymond Drechsler (

Animators/Clean Up Artists: Andrés Arias / Bryan Monterrosa / Fiorella Carvajal ( /Nicole Acosta ( / Lisseth Ortíz ( / Reymond Dreschler

Conform: Fernando Fonseca-Espinoza / Lisseth Ortiz / Nicole Acosta

Audio Mastering by: Maul on the Mix (


The production faced a tight deadline, prompting us to explore various strategies to expedite the production phase. For one of the backgrounds (the bathroom), I opted to create a 3D model to determine optimal camera angles and establish a solid foundation for the background designs, which I subsequently painted over.